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Naturally Scented Cleaning Products for Your Home

Greener Me - Aromatherapy for Your Home

Naturally Scented

We are sensory beings. Our body and mind reacts to our environment in real time.

Our sense of smell/ olfaction is our most primeval and volatile sense enabling us to identify and discriminate odorants, engaging with our body physically, mentally and emotionally.


As scented products interact with water and air, their scent is released into the air we breathe. These scent molecules react with our body and our mind, influencing our moods and thoughts.


It is thus vitally important for our health that if a product is scented it is non-toxic. This sounds obvious, but in reality many scented cleaning products and candles are scented with synthetic fragrances and scent fixatives which have been classified as toxic.


Greener Me products are naturally scented with pure aromatherapy oils.  Each aromatherapy blend is designed to leave your home smelling clean and fresh, and have a positive uplifting impact on your mind and body.

Lemongrass & Peppermint

Lemongrass and Peppermint Essential Oils are a powerful combo. This blend may:

  • promote relaxation

  • aid stress and anxiety

  • boost energy and mood

  • repel insects naturally

  • relieve headaches and migraine

Lemongrass & Peppermint Essential Oils have anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Grapefruit & Ylang-ylang

Pink Grapefruit, Vanilla and Ylang-ylang Essential Oils create a relaxing and sensual blend which may:

  • reduce stress and anxiety

  • calm and soothe nerves

  • boost mood

  • reduce blood pressure and hypertension

Pink Grapefruit and Ylang-ylang Essential Oils have anti-microbial and anti-bacterial properties.

Our essential oil blends are used at 1% which is well within the considered safe dermal limits guide, however some people may have an adverse reaction to essential oils. Please discontinue if you experience any irritation, redness or reaction.

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